The Week Today, Now - 13/03/2023

Dan Bunn

Bringing you the latest and greatest skateboard news from the last week, including Chris Joslin's Midlands rampage, two Bobby Dekeyzer parts for the price of one and a new gold standard for homie videos.

Chris Joslin Switch Treflip Nottingham Sneinton Market, photo by Kyle Seidler - CSC, Cardiff Skateboard Club - UK Skate Store
Chris Joslin with a pigeon perfect switch tre, shot by Kyle Seidler.

Ian Ostrowski and the crew have put in some serious graft for their absolutely wham new full-length, 'Genesis 3'. Clocking in at just under an hour long and complete with hijinx montages, friends sections and some absolutely bonkers skating (Dylan Clark, I'm looking at you); homie vids are different gravy these days.

Exceptionally crispy skating as usual from Bobby Dekeyzer this week with not one but two new offerings courtesy of the good people over at Quasi: his raw 'PROTOTYPE' part as the appetiser and '2411-QJ02 HD24' for the main course. Homie's got that snap, crackle pop.

After making the mish down from Leeds last weekend, you can now witness what the Welcome crew got up to when they were given free rein over Spit and Sawdust with top tier stunts (and R/C plane antics) from Dale Starkie, Albie Edmonds, Blinky, Josh Blasutto, Izzy Almond and the rest of the team, all captured masterfully by Josh Hallett and Hilda Quick. Nice to have you down here guys!

Poetic Collective are back with another visually striking video, '> NOW <', featuring their new and improved team, with Gabriel Bjørsvik and Europe's answer to Mark Humienik, Aleksi Suovaara, throwing their distinctive flavours into the mix alongside all the usual faces. These guys just keep getting better and better.

Kotora Mitani Ollie Up Kickflip Down, photo by Bruce Sliver - CSC, Cardiff Skateboard Club - UK Skate Store
Kotora Mitani flaunts his fast footwork with a rapid ollie up and kickflip down, shot by Bruce Sliver.

I'm usually pretty cynical about little kid skaters but Kotora Mitani's 'LENZ III' part is proof that being a child doesn't always mean you have to have gross trick selection; this kid has never stepped foot in the Berrics and it shows. Skates like a grown-ass man.

DC have come through with a new, mostly Europe-based video boasting the powerful pairing of Thomas Dritsas and Adilson Pedro, providing the perfect excuse to treat yourself to a pair of the new DC Metrics! You may also recognise that Kevin Bilyeu clip from the Papa Mio's video...

Serious NBD this week: 'ça CLAQUE' is a new video out of Marseille which, for once, doesn't feature Victor Campillo. In his absence, we've been treated to a load of transition-heavy shreddery from Maité Steenhoudt, Valentin Verd, Victor Cascarigny and the rest of the gang at their local bowl and some sick-looking DIYs.

Nassim Lachhab and Chris Joslin lead the charge in the new Etnies x Independent video, 'Time To Grind', with some absolutely ludicrous UK hammers from Joslin. Surprisingly little grinding involved despite the title, not really sure why they chose two notorious gap skaters for this one?

Always love a one-spot part and San Francisco's Union Square seems to be a prime location for their filming. Catch a load of the usual SF heads including Josh McLaughlin, Chris Athans, Adam Taylor and more doing their thing their in Logan Matthews new video: 'dollar game: Union'.

Corey Glick Heelflip Frontside Wallride, photo by Corey Greengage - CSC, Cardiff Skateboard Club - UK Skate Store
Corey Glick heelflipping into a steep front wallride, shot by fellow Corey: Corey Greengage.

New 20 minute Foundation banger out of nowhere, starring new recruit, Keegan McCutchen, alongside the rest of the squad. It's pretty easy to sleep on Foundation but their videos are always sick. Corey Glick and Keegan kill it.

Witness the O.W.L. boys doing their thing in what's got to be Kent's sickest barn for their collab with Source Skate Co, featuring plenty of insanely baggy trou and a hardflip masterclass from Alfie Sexton.

Leo Valls is back with a new part dedicated to his daughter, Sunny, featuring all the fancy footwork you expect from the French phenom. But be warned, the filming may cause motion sickness.

'Better Than Naked' is a tasty little number from Ben Chadourne packed with off-cuts and alternate angles from Polar's latest full-length featuring Oski Rozenberg, Jamie Platt, Paul Grund, Ville Wester and more.

Heavy lineup in 'The Cortina Tapes Vol. 2' with T-Funk, Marcos Montoya, Kyle Walker, Carlisle Aikens and more showing you just how fast those bearings can spin.

That's enough chit-chat though. Head to the shop to buy the latest skateboard decks, clothing, shoes and more from CSC. Or, check out more of the latest news, videos, and product reviews on the CSC Blog. Safe.

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