What is Theories of Atlantis?
For those who don't know, Theories of Atlantis was founded by legendary filmer, Josh Stewart - the genius behind countless iconic videos, including the 'Static' series. In contrast to some of the larger distributions, Theories places heavy emphasis on promoting small, independent, skater-owned brands that you may not always have heard of, but you really should get to know. I mean they're the distribution responsible for spreading brands like Polar, Magenta, and Isle to the States so you know they've got an eye for the good stuff.
However, they obviously weren't satisfied with just supplying the world with top-tier brands and videos, as they've now branched out into producing their own line of skateboard decks and clothing (as well as a bunch of new videos of their own). As you can probably guess from their name, Theories of Atlantis draw on a wide range of conspiracy theories for their graphics. From pyramids and the illuminati to flying saucers and Rasputin, Theories' graphics are guaranteed to open your third eye.
Theories of Atlantis Skateboard Decks
Theories always come through with a load of bangin' new graphics, with an assortment of weird and wonderful designs you come to expect from the brand. Typical graphics might feature optical illusions, trippy spiralling fractals, as well as a load of other awakened imagery. If you're looking for a deck to skate or a striking wall board, Theories is worth checking out.
A recent favourite of ours was the 'Modern Myth' deck which alludes to one of the most popular conspiracies of all time: UFOs. The deck features a multi-coloured silhouette of a face with a flying saucer as the eye, alongside a 'Theories of Flying Saucers' slogan. The black bottom section of the deck contrasts nicely with the retro blue-green nose for a really clean aesthetic. The deck also features the code 738-MJ-12, which presumably refers to the rumoured secret committee of scientists, government officials, and military leaders dedicated to recovering and investigating alien spacecrafts known as Majestic 12 (or MJ-12 for short). Not sure what the 738 means though if anyone else can shed light on this. Really solid graphic from Theories though!
Theories of Atlantis Caps
Alongside the skateboard decks, Theories of Atlantis have also earned a rep for sick softgoods.They put out some amazing 6 panel caps with a classic unstructured 6 panel construction with a flat peak and adjustable strapback for that timeless aesthetic.