Video Daze - picking up a bug

Dan Bunn
 Sirus F Gahan is back with another beautifully filmed, London-based video and to make things even better, this one features a whole section dedicated to our mate Billy Trick!

Having firmly established himself as one of the UK's most visually stimulating filmers, there's always reason to be excited when you see Sirus' name attached to a video. Unsurprisingly, his latest offering, 'picking up a bug', is yet another banger. The filming and editing are both on point, the soundtrack's suitably eclectic, and with the lineup featuring a load of familiar faces like Zach Riley, Francis Peters, Matlok Bennett-Jones, Rich West, Jamie Platt and Ville Wester, what's not to love?

Sirus employs a nice mirrored structure for the video, with the opening section immediately grabbing you by the balls with powerful, pacey lines from Polar's newest pro, Jamie Platt (which Polar's latest full-length proved is indisputably the best way to start a video), that are juxtaposed nicely with a dreamy hyperpop soundtrack and some lovely Ville Wester clips. Likewise, the video ends in similarly powerful fashion thanks to a load of Mach-10 hammers from all-terrain powerhouse, Zach Riley.

Obviously for us though, the main event has to be the incredible section featuring Port Talbot's finest and long-time CSC Shop Dragon, Billy Trick. It's always sick seeing Billy killing it in London and this part does well to capture the full extent of his mutant powers as he flings himself up trees, off rooftops and down some of the most heinous-looking banks you'll ever see. As to be expected, the B-roll is absolutely mental as well with shadowboxing, Eli Reed-esque dance moves and even a disturbingly arousing nude.

That's enough chit-chat though. Head to the shop to buy the latest skateboard decks, clothing, shoes and more from CSC. Or, check out more of the best skate videos on the CSC Blog. Safe.

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